Dear members of the ACM and participants of the
International conference,
The Laboratory of Microbiology, the Institute of General and
Experimental Biology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (IGEB-MAS) is convening the 15th
meeting of the Asian Consortium for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of
Microbial Resources (ACM15) in Ulaanbaatar city - the capital of Mongolia during
October 4-6, 2018.
the first day on October 4, 2018, we will have the opening ceremony of the 15th
ACM and then the International conference “Microbial diversity: research,
conservation and sustainable use” dedicated to the 45th anniversary
of the Department of Microbiology. The international conference is open to
anyone who wishes to share his/her research results with participants of the
conference. On the October 5-6, 2018, there will be the closed sessions for the
ACM members, only.
Conference Organizers:
Institute of General and
Experimental Biology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences;
Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports of Mongolia;
Ministry of Nature, Environment and Tourism of Mongolia;
Scientific and Organizing Committees:
Scientific Committee:
Dr. Ya. Adiya, Director, Institute
of General and Experimental Biology, MAS, Mongolia;
Prof. B. Avid,
Secretary General, Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS), Mongolia;
Dr. D.
Odgerel, Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports of Mongolia;
Dr. Ts. Uranchimeg, Ministry
of Environment and Tourism of Mongolia;
Dr. B. Tsetseg, Laboratory
of Microbiology, Institute of General and Experimental Biology, MAS, Mongolia
Dr. J.
Enkh-Amgalan, Head, Laboratory of Microbiology, Institute of General and
Experimental Biology, MAS, Mongolia; Chair of ACM15
Organizing Committee:
Enkh-Amgalan Jigjiddorj – Laboratory
of Microbiology, IGEB, MAS
Tsetseg Baljinova
– Laboratory of Microbiology,
Sarantuya Jargalsaikhan –
Laboratory of Microbiology, IGEB, MAS
Gantuya Khasbaatar -
Laboratory of Microbiology, IGEB, MAS
Maidarjav – Laboratory
of Microbiology, IGEB, MAS
Tsog-Yuren – Laboratory
of Microbiology, IGEB, MAS
Sengenorov - Laboratory
of Microbiology, IGEB, MAS
Luvsandorj - Laboratory
of Microbiology, IGEB, MAS
Bumtsend Byambasuren - Laboratory of Microbiology,
Microbial diversity (taxonomic, genomic
and metabolic) in different ecosystems
Role of culture collections in the
conservation and use of microbial diversity
Microbial diversity for the green
sustainable development
Effect of Nagoya Protocol on
bioprospecting and research on microbial diversity
Issue of digital sequence information
(DSI) on genetic resources
papers accepted for the international conference will be published in the
Proceedings of the conference.
Registration and Abstract Submission
A complete Registration Form
should be sent before August 15, 2018
to e-mail:
Abstracts for ACM15 meeting
and papers for the International conference should be sent before September 10, 2018 to e-mail:
Conference Registration Fee
The standard registration fee is US$100 per person. This price includes participation in plenary sessions, publication of the proceedings, coffee breaks, lunch and dinner during the conference. Upon request a special rate for Mongolians can be considered. Members of the ACM and their accompanying persons are waived from the registration fee.